Streamlining your contents according to Google’s recent
You know that you need to adapt to changes and update your content when you realize that local traffics are getting all the more difficult to frame. Well its not just that the market is getting tough competitors but Google has removed its past 10 blue links on top of that the co
nventional method of organic search results are unable to generate required traffic. Now why have we entered such a state? Its all a matter of time that you will know what exactly is that you need to do to be in pace.
Featured snippets Google’s recent advancement in search results has been on hike and you need to be noted of these snippets if you want to remain in competition with the fast changing scenario. Featured snippets are nothing but well-known “answer boxes” placed right above organic search results just below Ads and seem to answer the users questions right away. Moreover they have named them featured snippets for a reason since getting showcased here improved your traffic sense as well as branding too. There are various studies stating an increase in click-through rate (CTR) on a featured website.
These featured snippets come in three main kinds –
- Paragraph Snippet :-
wherein answer is framed inside a box in the form of text or with text and image together. This is usually considered to be the most touristed featured snippet.
- List snippet :-
wherein answers are displayed in the form of list
- Table snippet :-
wherein tabular data is shown.
Although a new term people can get easily driven to refer to these featured snippets as “Answer Boxes”. But to be duly noted there is a fine line between them that separates them. One way to identify the featured snippets is that they usually have a content URL addressed right below the snippet which open more pathways for users to get to that content.
As for now many of the top search queries are already ranked high in these featured snippets and even though you are out of these top rankings there is no need to get disappointed since it’s a figure that states 70% of the featured snippets were outside the general organic list. To summarize what kind of results are the most featured we can say, health, finance, mathematical, status checks, transitional, DIY processes, requirements etc. are some of the most commonly featured category of contents. Hence if you content falls within the scope of any of these categories there are high chances that you will get featured.
To simplify, it is suggested to improve your search results by researching your keywords. Questions forms for the likes of ‘why’, ‘what’, ‘who’ are some of the question keys that can trigger featured focus to you. apart from that it is necessary for you to even understand the depth of a particular topic alongwith its related ones since they are most probable of showing up in the “People also ask”, section and this can further give users more information on what they are looking for.
Moreover, taking help of people in the real world asking them immediate questions and reviewing search terms on Twitter also help sort your search terms better. Hence to conclude we can say it takes lot of patience and research to get in new and good ideas so as to drive traffic for your content also getting Featured would be the next break for your content so no harm in trying to achieve it.